Sunday, November 2, 2008

Rabbit Rabbit

My mom used to tell me to say 'Rabbit Rabbit' on the first day of the month to bring you good luck for that month. I always thought it was a silly superstition as superstitions go. Not really ranking up there with breaking a mirror and getting seven years bad luck, or not walking under a ladder, or step-on-a-crack-break-your-mothers-back.
I think I may have asked her why you should do it at some point but I forgot whatever explanation she gave. But as I look back now I see it possibly more as a way to teach my brother and I a concept of time and how it passes. For little kids the first of the month means nothing. it's like any other day. But give it a special meaning and you're looking for it. I don't know. That may not have been her intent. She may actually have believed it gives you good luck. But it was an interesting learning tool.